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Season 2 | Episode 24

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Season 2 | Episode 24

Self-Harm Across Cultures, with Dr. Marc Wilson

Apr 29, 2022

with Dr. Marc Wilson

Self-Harm Across Cultures, with Dr. Marc Wilsonwith Dr. Marc Wilson
00:00 / 01:04

Are there countries, races, or ethnicities with higher or lower rates of self-injury?  How prevalent is NSSI among indigenous peoples, and what role does culture play in the form, function, and meaning of self-injury?  In this episode, Dr. Marc Wilson from Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington in Aotearoa New Zealand shares about cross-cultural representations of self-injury and self-harm.  

Learn more about Dr. Wilson and his work at Below are links to some of the research referenced in this episode:

  1. Sansone, R. A., Wiederman, M. W., & Sansone, L.A. (1998). The Self-Harm Inventory (SHI): development of a scale for identifying self-destructive behaviors and borderline personality disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54(7), 973–983.

  2. Sansone, R. A., & Sansone, L. A. (2010). Measuring self-harm behavior with the Self-Harm Inventory. Psychiatry (Edgmont), 7(4), 16-20.

  3. Gratz, K. L. (2001). Measurement of deliberate self-harm: Preliminary data on the Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 23(4), 253-263.

  4. Monto, M. A., McRee, N., & Deryck, F. S. (2018). Nonsuicidal self-injury among a representative sample of US adolescents, 2015. American Journal of Public Health, 108, 1042-1048.

  5. Favazza, A. R. (2011). Bodies under siege: Self-mutilation, nonsuicidal self-injury, and body modification in culture and psychiatry (3rd ed.). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

  6. Wilson, M. S. (in press). Cross-cultural representations of nonsuicidal self-injury. In E. E. Lloyd-Richardson, I. Baetens, & J. Whitlock (Eds.), The handbook of nonsuicidal self-injury. Oxford University Press.

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The Psychology of Self-Injury podcast has been rated #5 by Feedspot in their "Best 20 Clinical Psychology Podcasts" and by Welp Magazine in their "20 Best Injury Podcasts."

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