Research on Self-Injury in Daily Life
Research on Self-Injury in Daily Life
Advancing Tangible Benefits
The Consortium for Research on Self-Injury in Daily Life (SIDL) is an interdisciplinary and international group of researchers, clinicians, and advocates who aim to build expertise and capacity to better understand, predict, and prevent key NSSI outcomes as they are experienced in individuals' everyday lives.
Our Mission
Promote person-centered care and the development and implementation of personalized prevention and novel digital interventions in the treatment of NSSI.
Better understand the short-term course of NSSI thoughts, urges, and behaviors in daily life, the individual risk and protective factors, and the relationship with long-term change.
Consider the responsibilities of studying NSSI in daily life and provide guidance to stakeholders across different cultural and intersectional contexts.
Discover More
NSSI occurs in interaction with real-world contexts and therefore is best understood in the natural environment. However, studying self-injury in people's daily lives can be challenging. To tackle this challenge, ISSS established a Consortium for Research on Self-Injury in Daily Life at the annual society meeting in 2019.
We aim to build expertise and capacity to better understand, predict, and prevent key NSSI outcomes as they are experienced in individuals' everyday lives. Our group consists of graduate students, early-career, mid-career, and senior researchers committed to producing high-quality, ambitious, and scientifically rigorous work, which seeks to develop tangible benefits for people who self-injure.
Making use of advances in real-time monitoring (also called experience sampling or ecological momentary assessment) and intensive longitudinal methods, we believe that research on NSSI in everyday life will advance more rapidly when all stakeholders' interests (i.e., individuals with lived experience, their families, researchers, and clinicians) are considered. NSSI is a behavior that occurs in interction with real-world context and therefore is best understood in the natural environment. To tackle this challenge, ISSS established a Consortium for Research on Self-Injury in Daily Life at the annual society meeting in 2019.

Representative/s of
Research on Self-Injury in Daily Life
Glenn Kiekens | Brooke Ammerman